Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Lesson 1 Writing Assignment 2

Lesson 1 Writing Assignment

Q For this assignment, choose ONE of the writing prompts and write a minimum 300 word essay. For more detailed instructions, review the Instructions for Lesson Writing Assignments. 1) Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? What reasons might explain why someone would prefer the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution? What were the biggest benefits of the Constitution over the Articles of Confederation? 2) Many participants at the U.S. Constitutional Convention had something at stake in the formation of the Constitution. Focus specifically on the Three-Fifths Compromise. Which groups had things at stake in this compromise, what did they have at stake, and how did each try to get what they wanted?

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In the 116th Congress, women, minorities, and veterans have strong leaders. It has been extensively observed that this Congress is the most inclusive in history, with more females and representatives of racial sections in the House than any prior Congress — 106 women in the House, opposed to 92 in 2015, and 115 members of ethnicity, relative to 105 in 2015 (Lowande, Ritchie, & Lauterbach, 2019). The advocacy of such lawmakers is likely to go beyond what is usually reported by the media or put up for a floor vote. Increased diversity is probable to affect how politicians vote and what interests they battle for in the halls of the bureaucracy if historical trends hold.